『Postal Stationery of British India・1856-1947/英領インドのポスタルステーショナリー/切手や料金別納郵便証が印刷されている封筒・葉書』はセカイモンで3cff7feから出品され、342の入札を集めて01月19日 7時 55分に、8500円で落札されました。即決価格は8500円でした。決済方法はに対応。愛知県からの発送料は落札者が負担しました。PRオプションはストア、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
◎ 郵趣 YUSHU 1969年 12冊 バインダー付 古本
¥ 5950
移・4072・本-173古銭勉強用書籍 古銭語事典 大鎌淳正編 日本貨幣商協同組合発行
¥ 5585
¥ 8500
¥ 18696
¥ 11604
移・48502・本-167古銭勉強用書籍 古銭語事典 大鎌淳正編 日本貨幣商協同組合発行
¥ 5585
「科学堂」日本切手名鑑1 郵便史』日本郵趣出版(1983)初 函
¥ 5270
◎ 郵趣 YUSHU 1980年 12冊 バインダー付 古本
¥ 5950
岡山県初期郵便印 岡山県郵趣連盟結成40周年記念出版
¥ 6800
Vostok 国連切手アルバム コレクション 約73リーフ 約1983.1.28〜1988.12.9 頃
¥ 6358
¥ 6800
¥ 9000
¥ 8330
グリーティングJAPAN/Greetings from Japan/2016.1.29発行/100,000部限定/24K純金箔証明書付/限定10万部/販売価格8,000円/№649
¥ 6600
¥ 5780
K7J3-230320 レア[郵趣 YUSHU 2002年 1月~12月 まとめて12冊セット]大リーグと世界の野球文化 世界の地下鉄切手
¥ 9259
¥ 8100
¥ 9600
¥ 8400
◎ 郵趣 YUSHU 1976年 12冊 バインダー付 古本
¥ 6800
★☆ 大正切手 山口充 JAPEX2013記念出版 田沢型切手発行100周年 ☆★
¥ 12000
詳解居合 無双直伝英信流 箱付き 三谷義里 剣道日本 スキージャーナル 2405BKO057
¥ 5933
新品 250冊限定 シリアルナンバー入り THE TEES I HAVE WORN 藤原ヒロシ FRAGMENT
¥ 10800
Fantasia Nicholas F,Chandrawienata/大人の塗り絵/US,edition/洋書/塗り絵/リングバンド版/入手困難本/芸術/美術/未使用
¥ 8330
みんなで作ろう 教室壁かざりアイディア集Ⅱ 全5巻 学習研究社
¥ 5873
¥ 6714
¥ 9000
2009年-英語表記 106P 部数は少なそうです資料用にもいかがでしょうか。
Hobby is a way to get pleasure and happiness. It gives us the required energy and a reason to live during entire life span and makes our retirement life a pleasurable. Collecting stamps is a basic hobby for almost all the male population. It's always been said, "Stamp collecting is a King hobby", and how true it is. In fact, it not only gives pleasure to one who collects but to others also like a scent. Whosoever, comes in contact with a philatelist, gets its quota of pleasure and knowledge as the fragrance of a scent and I believe Shri. Pratisad's pleasure while publishing this catalogue is doing the exact work of scent! We know, talent alone cannot make the writer, there must be a man behind the book and in this case it's Shri Pratisad. In our world of philately, there are very few, who strive hard to spread their knowledge and let their acquisition open to all to benefit by it. The flow of philately material being discovered and seeing the light of a day once again, is continuous. It's a never ending process to collect phila material on any subject. When we think we have collected all the material for the subject, someone somewhere discovered a new find and the ball start rolling again to collect such material. However, the knowledge of such finds generally does not come to a common collector. He needs a regular supply of such information at least by way of a catalogue. But it's not that easy to collect information, to catalogue them and to publish a book on these, as it requires lot of patience and efforts. We all as philatelist must congratulate Shri. Pratisad for his sheer dedication, determination and devotion in bringing out this revised, much improved, informative and colorful second edition of Postal Stationery of British India in less than a years time. Catalogues and Phila books were successful and appreciated by all in past and will be in future too. Now Shri. Pratisad must have realised after publishing his maiden catalogue that it's not the end of the journey as new things are cropping up time and again and such things must find their way to such catalogues. Everyone has its own method and way of looking at their treasure and giving it the required treatment. Shri Pratisad has arranged all the British India postal stationery in chronological order, which is a much simplified way of arranging it. All the illustrations will be equally useful to all, the new and seasoned collectors. I hope, having the entire list of items at a glance, the interest of new collectors will rouse and encourage them to collect postal stationery. Even the varieties section is very interesting. The pleasure and joy of having the varieties in ones collection is a sign of pride. This will help the collectors to look at their collections keenly and to find new varieties, which are still unpublished. Shri. Pratisad is an ardent collector of postal stationery. He is right in his own way to justify the prices of the items. He knows it better which items are easy to get and which require more than a decade to have a glance only. There isn't a defined market for these items to fix the prices either to buy or sell. A scarce item may become rare as such item is not preserved properly or may succumb to time and improper handing. There must have been a continuous pressure on him either to enhance or reduce the price of a particular item from the interested ones. I am sure he must have given thorough thought while determining the prices. All in all I must say it's a good job done. The priced catalogues are generally welcomed by the collectors as it gives a general idea about the value of particular item. One should always keep in mind that these prices are indicative and not the final one and also the ups and downs in these prices depend upon how eagerly one wants to acquire it.